Canmore sessions

Included in registration, Friday-Saturday, breakfast and lunch, and Friday evening reception.

(Sessions and times are subject to change.) All session times are MST.


Breakfast 8:00-9:00 am


David Irvine

Leading through disruption: The power of authenticity

The health and fitness industry has experienced unprecedented disruption, providing an opportunity to reflect, refocus, and renew our approach to leadership. There is simply no status quo in the work we do. Constant change provides the perfect opportunity to explore new ways to connect with ourselves, our teams, and our clients.

In this morning session, you will be inspired with a renewed perspective on leadership, engagement, and impact amid continued disruption. 

This is an opportunity to understand how to strengthen your leadership, engage more deeply and meaningfully with your people, and stay renewed through your true source of power–your authentic presence.

  • Be inspired with a renewed view of leadership in all areas in your life; it’s about presence, not position.

  • Leave with practical strategies to keep yourself and others engaged and mentally strong.

  • Learn how to amplify your impact as a leader in all areas of your life through deeper connection.

Lunch 12-1 pm


Elaine Ori, PhD

Representations of Exercise in Social and Popular Media:

Join Elaine as she explains the techniques used by social media influencers, and it’s impact on misrepresentation, and misinformation. Then, learn how to challenge and debunk misinformation, and explore ways to support inclusive exercise environments. Elaine’s session will evolve in two parts:

Is that what I think it is? 

The ubiquitous nature of media and in particular social media, can often mean that content consumers are taking in more than they realize. In this session, learn about portrayals of exercise through social and popular media, and how this has shaped exercise perceptions, goals, and trends over time. Explore the influence of influencers, and identify some techniques commonly used by popular media that may contribute to exercise misrepresentation and misinformation.

Overcoming Harmful Messages

Now that you've traced the exercise media landscape, dive deeper into popular exercise media in Part Two of this series. Learn evidence-based approaches to addressing exercise misrepresentation and misinformation including how to identify potentially harmful content. Practice pre-bunking and de-bunking to exercise misinformation, and explore ways that exercise professionals can build more inclusive exercise environments.

Dennis Valdez, PhD

Low Back and hip wellness for life

Chronic injuries in the back and hips have an impact on many levels, from individual wellness and quality of life, to provincial health care costs. Join Dennis to gain insight into the interrelated movements and progressions of the back and hips, and to discuss leading practice for injury prevention strategies.

Dennis will discuss movements to help your clients and participants mobilize, activate, strengthen, and challenge their core. If your participants can prevent chronic injuries as they participate in recreational activities, they will have the confidence and freedom to stay physically active, thereby maintaining lifelong optimal wellness. 

PLENARY: 4:15-5:15 pm

Todd Hirsch

Adapting to Sudden, Unwanted Change

With the challenges bearing down on us, adapting to new realities seems daunting. But what if adapting is easier than we think? Drawing on lessons shared in his book Spiders in Space, Todd Hirsch will share inspiring stories about adaptability and resilience, both in humans and in nature. A better understanding of how sudden, unwanted change is both inevitable, but also manageable when we prepare. Learn a list of traits to develop that will prepare you for inevitable unwanted change in the future.

RECEPTION 5:15-6:30 pm

Enjoy your evening in Canmore. We’ll see you bright and early Saturday morning!


BREAKFAST 8:00-9:00 am

MORNING SESSIONS 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Rory Hornstein, Registered dietitian

Nutrition Insights

Join Rory as we delve into 3 nutrition topics in one session:

  • To begin, Rory will discuss the intricacies of athlete nutrition and the nutritional needs of athletes to optimize performance, recovery, and overall health.

  • Then we’ll move into an in-depth exploration of the latest trends in nutrition for 2024, and gain insights into emerging research and popular dietary movements that are shaping the way we approach nutrition now.

  • The final discussion will focus on the complex relationship between the gut and overall health is key to addressing various health issues and optimizing well-being. Learn why the microbiome matters, how the gut influences mental health and cognitive function, and the role of pre- and probiotics in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

Zachary McClean, PhD Candidate

A biopsychosocial Model for elite athlete training & sport Injury prevention

This session dives into concepts of athlete monitoring and the primary physiological considerations. Zachary will draw from leading practice and research and his own experience in training elite athletes, to offer a transdisiplinary approach. This dynamic session will discuss:

  • Athlete monitoring considerations, i.e., evaluating mechanical muscle strength; importance of athlete baseline testing; longitudinal athlete assessments and testing protocols that should be included.

  • Strategies to analyze performance over time, i.e., identify meaningful changes; understand changes in context of athlete health and performance; incorporation of data in sport injury; rehabilitation and return to sport.

  • Additional considerations, such as sleep, wellness, and allostatic loads which impact mental and physical health.

LUNCH 12:00-1:00 pm

CLOSING KEYNOTE: 1:00-2:00 pm

Todd Hirsch

The Drivers of Disruption: Navigating an Uncertain Economy

As the global economy hobbles on, industries and companies around the world are bracing for turbulent times. Geopolitics has replaced the pandemic as the biggest threat to the economy. Spiking interest rates, sagging real estate markets, and extreme weather events are weighing down consumer and business sentiments.

In this presentation, Todd Hirsch focusses on adaptability in the ever-changing global economic environment. He helps audiences navigate this new turbulent environment and will share his insights around the most significant drivers of economic disruption.